Thursday, July 06, 2006

Halfway There

So, now that we are officially halfway through the year, here are the best 5 albums that 2006 has had to offer so far:

5. Feeder - The Singles

Yes, this may seem a bit of a cop out as its a collection rather than new material. But, I hadn'y realised just how good they are until I got this.

4. Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I am, thats what i'm not

Well, it had a lot of hype surrounding it...and it lived up to it. By no means a perfect recrod, but a fantastic debut.

3. Lostprophets - Liberation Transmission

When i first listened to it i hated it....true story. But, my word is it a grower. Full of infectious, anthemy songs. Though I fear they may never reach the peak of Start Something.

2. Tool - 10000 Days

The long awaited follow up to 2001's Lateralus. I hadn't honestly listened to them much before this album, but now, I HAVE to hear more.

1. Taking Back Sunday - Louder Now

The years best, and their careers best! Flawless, and evey song could be a single. (and they are amazing live)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

"woe to you oh earth and sea"

Well, we’re nearly halfway through the year, so, just a quick recap of whats been good so far:

Prison Break

Not since the first series of 24 have I watched a show so suspenseful.Eagerly await the final 2 episodes tonight.

Taking Back Sunday – Louder Now

Album of the year? Quite Possibly. Not a bad track on it, and easily their best album so far. Highlights include Spin, Divine Intervention and 20 20 Surgery.

X-men 3

Well, its not X-2, but that would be impossible. A great “end” to the trilogy (though don’t leave till after the credits!)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Negative Creep

(listening to: The Clash - London Calling)

As soon as the opening chords come in, you can't help but tap your feet. As soon as the drums come in, I dare you to stay seated. You may try to deny it's greatness (I have), you may say, it's not their best song, that’s it's overplayed, but at the end of the day, Smells Like Teen Spirit is a damn good track.

I first was introduced to Nirvana in P7 (when I was a bout 10). I'd heard about them through some pen pal thing that the school tried to organize with a school somewhere in Europe (know idea where exactly, but it's not important). A lot of the kids mentioned this band called Nirvana.

During a phone call to my aunt, I mentioned this band, and she told me a little about them (again, memory hazy, it was about 8 years ago). Soon after, in the post, arrived a copy of Nevermind on cassette.

I put it in the hi fi, and never made it past the brilliant opening track. I just played it over and over, it blew me away! But for a while, that was it.

A few years later, I gave away the cassette (which, in retrospect, I REALLY shouldn’t have done.)

When I got to secondary school, for the first couple of years, everyone seemed to be all into Nirvana. Ever since P7, I’ve always liked the band, but hated the hype surrounding them. I would be one of those people that would say “he’s dead, get over it” in regards to people’s praise of Kurt Cobain. The fans ruined it for me. The band was talented, but I think overrated (in comparison to other bands of the time: Alice in Chains? Pearl Jam? SMASHING PUMPKINS????)

Also, The Kurt Cobain Journal. I haven’t read it, and I don’t intend to. The Kurt Cobain action figure? I bet he’s spinning in his grave.

Fans seem to ruin bands for me. I like My Chemical Romance, but hate the fanbase. They think that using the red and black outfit/make up image is cool and new. Newsflash: check out Machina-era Billy Corgan.

(Gerard Way has said that The Smashing Pumpkins is one of his favorite bands: go figure)

Green Day: Always been a fan, but when American Idiot was released, then came the new batch of fans: “I can’t wait for their second album!”. “They’re totally punk!”


“They’re totally punk!”


I personally thought American Idiot was a great album, though severely overplayed. And Green Day, are not punk. Maybe once punk rock, but not anymore.

And its looking like once again, I am going to hate a new band, though talented, because of the hype that surrounds them:

Fall Out Boy

Dance Dance, Sugar, we’re Going Down: awesome pop songs.

Punk? Hell no. This is punk:

Once again, I’ve digressed so much I’ve forgotten the point of this post (or have I?)


Thursday, March 16, 2006

I'm Going Crazy

(listening to: A7X - Bat Country)

2 forwards in a week that I don't hate? Must be something in the water.....

choose a band / artist & answer ONLY in titles of their songs…Smashing Pumpkins

are you male or female spaceboy

describe yourself bullet with butterfly wings

how do people feel about you? rock on

how do you feel about yourself? i am one

ex boyfriends / girlfriend ? my mistake

current boyfriend / girlfriend / crush? beautiful

describe where you want to be? in the arms of sleep

describe how you live by starlight

what would you ask for if you had just one wish? my one and only

share a few words of Wisdom Jesus is the sun

any general advice speed kills

share a favourite pickup line let me give the world to you

and if that one doesn't work hello kitty kat

what secondary school do / did you attend untitled

pepsi / coke cherry

any pets Bugg Superstar

favourite food Jellybelly

do you drink zero

how are you feeling right now frail and bedazzled

say goodbye farewell and goodnight


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

easy as 1-2-3

(listening to: Nine Inch Nails - Every Day is Exactly the same)

Another forward (which we all know i detest) but, i'm bored (well, procrastinating, really) so, i'll fill it in.


B - BEST FRIENDS: Chazz, Amy, Ethan

C - CRUSH: You know who



F - FAVORITE BAND? Smashing Pumpkins


H-HOME: Articlave


J - JOB: Slavers

K - KIDS:- not yet, thankfully

L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: From the Ferry to Bath


N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 2: Ethan and Meredith

O - ONE WISH: To have a bit more fun

P - PHOBIA: Heights

Q - FAVORITE QUOTE: Which came first, the music or the misery?


S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Arctic Monkeys - I bet you look good on the dancefloor

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 6.55am

U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: shall remain unknown

V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: most of em

W- WORST HABITS: speaking

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: teeth, head, hand, cant remember what else

Y - YUMMY FOOD: Pizza, Baked Alaska

Z- ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarias

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Dublin February 2006

(listening to: Rancid Fall Back Down)
Heylo there. Was in Dublin for the weekend, with my family. Brief synopsis:
  • Hotel was called the Deer Park
  • Beds were hard as stone, as were the pillows
  • Swimming pool was good, nice and warm
  • Yes, I nicked the mini bottles of shampoo and body wash

So, getting back the photos. The above, and directly below are of Captain America's Cookhouse and Bar. The reason I took the photos, should be obvious.

Was in a music shop with Ethan, and saw this on the wall. I saw it and thought Cameron!
A comic shop just down form the music shop, which we discovered just by accident.
Not wanting to wait for the parents and Meredith to finish shopping, Ethan and i decided to get the Dart back to the hotel. This was a very big building beside the platform. Pretty cool pic, had it not been for the wires.

Holy Dutch Angle Batman!

"you've got wires....coming out"
This would have been a great photo had I taken it a second earlier.

I was watching this couple (weird, I know), and they just seemed to be so in love, which was really cool to see. A good photo, but they look like they are unhappy. A second later they kissed.

A view from the afternoon

I am convinced this could win the Turner Art Prize.

Immaturity never leaves


Monday, February 13, 2006

Say cheese!

(listening to: Brand New - Quiet things that no one knows)

So, today started just like any other (well that's a lie: parents are in Barcelona), so I'm "in charge" (another lie: Ryan is keeping an eye on us). Slept in, wasn't meeting Katie as planned, missed first bus, remembered I had to make own lunch, missed 2nd bus etc.

So, I was in a less than happy mood. And I had orthodontist. Wasn't looking forward to this as I had broken a bit of my braces (which usually incurs the wrath of Mr Tan)

So, when I got there, I showed him the broken bit of my braces, and he began inspecting my teeth (which, at first I thought was a search for traces of sweets: the archenemy of braces).

"how do you feel about your teeth?"

"they've come on a long way"

"Good: I'm removing your braces"


And that he did.


He had to give me a set of gum-shield type things which I have to wear so my teeth don't relapse. (as shown above)

How hard can it be?


Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Reasons 2006 will rock


X-men 3

Superman Returns
V for Vendetta
Mission Impossible 3
Pirates of the Carribean 2
Southland Tales


New Albums from:

Red Hot Chili Peppers
Taking Back Sunday (title: Louder now)
Plus 44
Anti Flag
Snow Patrol
Velvet Revolver
Pearl Jam


Pride of Baghdad (by Brian K. Vaughan)

Civil War (by Mark Millar)

Friday, January 06, 2006

You probably think this song is about you.......

(listening to: Paul Westerberg - Dyslexic Heart)

Let me start of by saying, I am in no way vain. (hard to believe when I have a photo of myself as the first thing in the blog). I have been known to take some photos of myself, but this is not out of vanity, but mainly because I don't think I am that good looking, thus I'm looking for the best photograph of me (ok, maybe a little bit vain then)

So, anyway, I got a digital camera for Christmas and thought, hey, why not use myself as the test subject for the first picture? So, having just got back from grandparents house, I decided to take the photo. The result, is what you can see above.

Satisfied with it, I decided to use it as my bebo and msn display picture. Suddenly, to my surprise, a lot more people start adding/chatting to me. Coincidence? Probably not. They just want me for my good looks! (sarcasm kids)
